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    Get the best of SamMobile on our official Telegram channel


    Last updated: May 17th, 2024 at 14:02 UTC+02:00

    Our mission at SamMobile is to provide you with the best news, opinions, reviews, and deals for Samsung's mobile and consumer electronics devices. We actively strive to reach Samsung fans on all of the platforms that they use and love.

    Many of our users rely on Telegram to communicate with their friends and family, as well as follow up on news from the publications they trust the most. That's why we've set up When you join an official Telegram channel, where you can find the best of what SamMobile has to offer.

    The channel is updated with the latest Samsung news, rumors, deals, opinions, and reviews daily so you'll never miss out. You'll also get to know when we post new videos and short-form content so that you're always up to date with whatever is happening in the world of Samsung. It's a great time to go ahead and get subscribed to our Telegram channel as there's going to be a lot of news to check out as we move closer to the next Unpacked launch event in July.

    Subscribing to the SamMobile Telegram channel also enables you to interact with other readers and be part of an exclusive community that gets access to our best content.

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