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    Be a kind soul, put SamMobile on your ad blocker’s whitelist!


    Last updated: February 1st, 2016 at 23:13 UTC+01:00

    Ads. We all hate them. Especially if they are in-your-face and take away from the experience of using the actual product those ads are showing up in. Getting the ability to block ads is one of the top reasons for many for rooting their Android smartphones, and getting an ad blocker on a desktop browser like Chrome, Firefox or Opera is pretty simple. With the whole “see ads and use our product for free” tradition that has permeated much of the web, those ad blockers can be a boon when you just want to do what you want to do without being distracted by those flashy ads.

    But while ads can be a nuisance, they are also what keep sites like SamMobile and others afloat. After all, we all need that cash to go about our daily lives as we spend every day writing about all the information on Samsung that you get on SamMobile, right? Our ads are not obtrusive, and our actual article content is fully free of any ads in between, letting you read everything without any distractions in between.

    Today, Samsung officially launched a way to disable ads on the browser on its devices, and we thought it would be a good idea to ask our readers to take a minute and put us on the whitelist on whatever ad blocker they are using. We're not sure how things will work on the official ad blocking app from Samsung, but if you're using Chrome or another browser, simply open, find the icon for your ad blocker plugin/extension somewhere on the top right, click it, then select the Exclude option.

    Some plugins/add-ons might require you to manually enter a website's name to whitelist it – in that case simply click on the add-on's button in your browser and copy and paste in there. This will make sure your ad blocker doesn't block ads whenever you are visiting SamMobile, and in turn help us continue to get the revenue we do from ads on the site.

    SamMobile will never have obtrusive, in-your-face ads that take your focus away from the topic at hand (of course, if something interesting catches your eye, feel free to look at the ad by all means.) But taking some time to whitelist us would go a long way in making sure we never have to turn to other avenues of income and continue offering the best of everything related to Samsung on the internet.
