Samsung has launched a new promotional offer for the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic. The standard model isn't part of this new deal, but Classic smartwatch fans can now save up to $80 on the latest Samsung model without trade-in.
The discount is available for the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic range, including 43m and 47mm variants in Wi-Fi-only or LTE connectivity. Here's a discounted price breakdown.
- Save $60 on the 43mm Galaxy Watch 6 Classic Bluetooth/Wi-Fi — buy for $339 outright or $14.17 a month through Samsung Financing.
- Save $60 on the 47mm Galaxy Watch 6 Classic Bluetooth/Wi-Fi — buy for $369 outright or $15.42 a month.
- Save $80 on the 43mm Galaxy Watch 6 LTE — buy for $369 or $15.42 a month.
- Save $80 on the 47mm Galaxy Watch 6 LTE — buy for $399 outright or $16.67 a month.
These deals don't require a trade-in, but if you have an older Samsung smartwatch that you want to exchange for the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic, you can get discounts of up to an extra $250.
If applicable, you can also save up to an additional $20 if you are eligible to buy the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic through one of the Samsung Offer Programs.